Foster Legal Lawyers
Your expert in Business Contracts

Commercial and Business Law

Buying a business:

If you are buying a business, it is important to do your due diligence and understand all aspects of the business before you buy it. I can review the Contract of Sale for the business you are buying and advise you on the legalities of the business purchase, as well as completing relevant searches to identify any potential issues with the business that may not have been disclosed. This will bring any potential issues to your attention and ensure you know what is involved in the business and what you are required to do to complete the purchase.

Simply fill out the Business Purchase Instruction Form and email it to myself, along with a copy of the Contract of Sale if you have one. I will review the Contract and contact you to discuss your purchase further.

Selling a Business:

If you are selling your business, it is important to ensure that all aspects of your business are ready for transfer so the sale process runs smoothly. This includes the transfer of leases, licenses, and material contracts, as well as the drafting of the Contract of Sale and associated documents. If you would like assistance with your business sale, please fill out the Business Sale Instruction Form and email it to me, along with copies of all leases, licenses, service agreements, registrations and intellectual property that will transfer with the business sale.

There are many elements involved in buying or selling a business and every business is different.  The cost of a business sale or purchase will generally be between $4400 and $6600, however a cost estimate will be given on each application as the work involved varies greatly from case to case.

Other commercial matters:

There are many matters that can arise in a commercial or business environment, including;

  • Company Share Transfers
  • Directors, Shareholders or Partnership Agreements
  • Confidentiality and Consultancy Agreements
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • The Establishment or variation of a Trust Deed
  • Liquor Licence Applications
  • Hire Agreements
  • Indemnity Agreements
  • Business Service Agreements
  • Loan Agreements

The above list is not exhaustive as many different requirements can arise in any commercial environment. Contact me for a fixed fee quote.


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